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Poem: Life
Poem: Life
by Corinne Akehurst
Life A thousand thoughts running through my head, all at the same time. How do I find answers; how do I find peace? Should I turn this way, that way, left or right? So many decisions to make,- my future forever affected by what I choose. What do I base my life on? Money, fame, re
This rock raised above all others
This rock raised above all others
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: This rock raised above all others Proper 16 year A Matthew 16: 13 – 20 This rock raised above all others: 'Peter, here I build my church'. So we hear the words of Jesus, though this rock would shake and lurch. Peter was a human being, filled with insight, seeing clear, clos
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Easter Sunday Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Easter Sunday Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Easter Sunday Isaiah 65.17–25 Acts 10.34–43 Luke 24.1–12 Creation and resurrection are mirror images of each other, and they are held together by the nature and purpose of God. At its simplest, God is Life-giver. That has endless implications and ramifications, all of them glorio
Fortynine days to celebrate Easter - Pente - What?
Fortynine days to celebrate Easter - Pente - What?
by Margaret Mason
"Forty-nine days to celebrate Easter? That's seven weeks. We'll never make the Easter eggs last that long! And then Pente - what? " Pilate stamps the file, "Case Closed". He thinks that that is it. A distasteful business, but Jesus the Galilean isn't the first troublemaker he's b
Hymn: A messenger is coming
Hymn: A messenger is coming
by Andrew Pratt
A messenger is coming, is bringing royal news, preparing for a promise that no one should refuse. The covenant he heralds will mend each broken heart, will wash away all sadness, will offer a new start. Verses 2-4 follow Tune: CHRISTUS DER IST MEIN LEBEN; KNECHT Metre:
Hymn: 'Come follow me, come follow fast
Hymn: 'Come follow me, come follow fast
by Andrew Pratt
'Come follow me, come follow fast, and leave the rest behind, reach after realms of mystery, yes, seek, and you will find'. What holds us in this human realm? What treasures keep us back from giving all we have and are? This confidence we lack! Verses 2-3 follow Tune: KINGSFOLD M
12 results